Wednesday, May 1, 2019


We've slipped quickly to the beginning of May, and it's only going to get crazier! Between the last two weekends of April and beginning of May, we'll have had birthday parties 3 Saturdays in a row. We had Easter, I had a women's retreat with our church, we've got Teacher Appreciation week next week, family coming to stay, field day, pre-k graduation, and Noelle's last week! Plus I'm making a super quick trip to MD for my sister's bridal shower, and then coming back to prep and execute my friend's baby shower (with lots of help thankfully!) It is full, full, full, but full of so much good!

April was good with both my birthday and Jonah's, of course. My birthday happened to coincide with Mule Day in the town 20 minutes south of us, and we decided to go down for the parade. It was a sunny day, and so much fun watching all the mules and horses go marching by. Last year when we went to the parade, it was below freezing (at the beginning of April!), so this year was much better and we actually watched the whole parade. :)

That evening we met up with friends for a dinner time picnic at a park in between where we each live, and it was good to catch up and let the kids run around and play. I got to eat yummy food, drink my favorite Starbucks drink while watching horses (but mostly mules) trot by, be with my family, meet up with friends, and enjoy the sunshine. It really couldn't have been a better day!

Easter, how I love Easter! I used to always say that Christmas was my favorite holiday, but now I think Easter is at least tied with being my favorite. As I've grown closer to Jesus, I just realize how much more He did for me than I can ever truly know. Me! Y'all, why God chose to work in my heart, I don't know, but I am so thankful. I went to Christian school, and I know that not everyone I attended with is walking with the Lord. And that's Jesus at work in my heart. I didn't, I couldn't!, choose that on my own. So, I'm thankful for Easter. Thankful for an extended time to remember and reflect on what  He's done. Thankful for Him!

Again, it's weird being away from family for holidays like this, but we're truly learning the value and importance of church family. We started the morning with a quick scavenger hunt for Easter baskets (always a favorite!), then off to church for a wonderful sermon in Mark. Then home for lunch, and while the kids were having downtime in the afternoon, I hid eggs in the backyard. I subtly pointed out that there was something out back, and as soon as they saw, they were out there grabbing eggs. I'm pretty sure we'll be working through egg hunt candy until Christmas, but it's all good.

That evening we headed to a friend's house for a potluck with a bunch of people from church. The weather was perfect, so the kids ran around outside, while we got to visit and chat with friends. I am truly so thankful for our church, thankful for friendship, and thankful for Jesus!