Whew! As most vacations go, our time at the beach went by way too quickly!
My parents rented a house for the week and invited us to come down and stay with them. I decided to take advantage of my full time mommyhood and went for the whole week, while Luke joined us for the long weekend over the 4th of July at the end of the week. My sisters came and went during the week as well, so Noelle got some good time with her aunts and Nana and Grandpa.
Jonah, on the other hand, was not a happy dude. Poor kid had a fever the first two nights we were there, and a rash on his back, chest, and arms for most of the week. I'm still not sure what caused it, but it was completely gone by the time we got home on Sunday. He was fussy, only wanted me, and even me holding him did not make him happy. I hope we get our happy Jonah back soon!
saying bye to Karina
I followed my mom down to the beach on Sunday after church, and after saying goodbye to their exchange student. Traffic wasn't great, but Jonah and Noelle only lost it for about the last 10 minutes of the drive. We had beautiful weather most of the week, and even though I didn't end up spending as much time at the beach as I had hoped, it was nice having a change of scenery. I got to run every morning (despite forgetting my running shoes at home- thank goodness for my sister and the outlets), and even pushed a kid in the stroller for three of the runs.
Despite Jonah being unhappy, he did seem to enjoy the ocean. Whenever we were by the water, he wanted to go further and further out into the waves. I was holding onto his arms as tight as I could, but was so scared he was going to get pulled in. And Noelle loved jumping in the water (though did not enjoy it when I took her out past where the waves were breaking) and playing with water and sand on the beach.
amazing sand castle someone built!
While we were there, Noelle turned the big three! So hard for me to believe it's been three years, and I'm so thankful that I get to be her mama. (Randomly while we were on vacation she switched back to calling me mama instead of mommy.) We had a nice dinner sitting around the table outside the beach house, and sang Happy Birthday over an Oreo ice cream cake. Also! One of our closest friends had her baby girl that day- July 3rd twins!
The 4th of July was the day after Noelle's birthday, and she got to enjoy some fireworks (I think for the first time!) We walked out to the corner of the street we were staying on and could see the fireworks that were being shot over the bay. Noelle held her hands over her ears for the first half of it, but then really got into it when she realized how fun it was!
Overall, a fun vacation, but also nice to be home and jump back in to play dates and events with our MOPS groups!