1. So I finally went back to the podiatrist since I've still been having achiness in my ankle/foot and haven't run since July. The doctor ordered an MRI, which turned into a run-around. I showed up for the scheduled MRI appointment, and when I answered that I hadn't had my period in a few years, they told me I needed a blood pregnancy test before I could get the MRI. So two weeks later, I finally got it done and went back to the doctor to talk about the results and what to do next. The MRI showed that my deltoid ligament has a tear, which he was surprised by because it's pretty rare and is almost always associated with a trauma like an ankle fracture. The plan is to try orthotics and go from there. And now of course finding a podiatrist down in TN!
Ready for the MRI!
2. Noelle cheered at her first basketball game this past Saturday. She LOVED it and she is so stinking cute in the video Luke took. They even did a stunt where they lifted her up. So adorable! I'm sad she won't get to finish out the season here, but we'll have to find her a squad in TN. We are planning on her being able to cheer for homecoming and then leave after that.
3. We've been having Tuesdays with Holden. I love that I get more time with him before we go and I pretty much just plan on no time to myself on those days. :) He is such a happy boy, and he still loves to tackle the big cousins with a big ol' grin on his face. And sticking his fingers in Clara's mouth is another favorite. (Oh the germs!)
4. I need to get my act together and write up a five month update for Clara now that we're already closer to six months. I don't want to forget the details but poor third child mixed with holidays mixed with a major move is kicking me in the butt. Plus, let's be real, this baby does not sleep anymore. She takes a handful of 20 minute naps throughout the day, often in the car, and night time usually involves three wakeups. If we were in our own home, we'd do cry it out. But in the meantime, we're officially co-sleeping.
5. Getting in the Word. I so fail at this, and I so don't want to. One of the instagramers I follow (@biblesandcoffee) put out an advent reading plan and invited anyone to join her. I started out being consistent, and then way fell off the wagon. I know resting in the peace of Jesus, and anticipation of His return is so much better than trying to do it all on my own. Let this be a reminder to myself to spend time with Him!
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