Friday, January 26, 2018

Nap Hater and Target Runs

Clara is the worst napper I've ever had- no consistency, and when she does nap, she wakes up after 20 minutes. I'm trying to let her fuss for a bit when she wakes up (which is happening as I type this), and sometimes she'll fall back asleep for a little bit. Most days she only has one nap, and it's anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour long. How does she function?? (I can't function- because when she's awake, she wants to be held. So all vacuuming is done with her in my arms, laundry and dinner prep are either done with her crying or her on the counter so she's eye-level with me.) I know it's a season, and even if she never naps, there will be a day when she can entertain herself. But the one thing that I do get frustrated about is not being able to invest very well in Noelle and Jonah. Clara requires so much attention that it's hard to sit down and read with them, or help Noelle with her homework. By bedtime, after I put Clara down, I'm in my pajamas reading in bed to wind down. It's a season, and it will pass. And I'll grab moments with the other two as I can.

a rare moment of sitting and reading with Jonah

Ah, Target. It's SO nice having a Target closer than 25 minutes away. It's tough on the bank account, but it's also a super target, so we can get everything there. We go at least twice a week, for a grocery run at the beginning of the week, and then to pick up more items that we may need later in the week. It's also dangerous because of the Starbucks inside (good thing I got giftcards for Christmas!) At least I've been good and haven't bought any clothes since we've moved here!

Attached at the hip. Literally. She is so cute though, and usually happy as long as she's being held. I had my MOPS Bible study this past Wednesday for the first time, and decided to keep Clara with me, hoping she would nurse and fall asleep. But after a quick catnap in the car, she was awake for the entire time and either cooing, wiggling around, or nursing/drinking her bottle. I think for the sake of really being able to participate, I'll put her in the nursery next time (but so much sickness! eek!) They don't have room for her in the nursery during actual MOPS meetings, so a break from her on Bible study days, would be kind of nice!

Luke doing double dad duty- holding a clingy baby and overseeing homework. Noelle gets quite a bit of homework, which is not at all like her school in MD. Based on the worksheets she brings home for math, Luke knows the curriculum is meant for first graders. She's doing alright with it (better than I would have thought!) but it still takes her awhile to get through it all. Thank goodness God gave me a very patient husband! ;)

Noelle had a math test on Wednesday, so after school we headed to Dairy Queen for a treat. Strawberry Sundae for Noelle, and chocolate for Jonah, of course! We also had closing for our MD house on Wednesday (Praise the Lord!), so Luke and I celebrated with some yummy BBQ take out.

And afternoons as usual find us driving the now familiar roads to go pick up Noelle from school. (All the familiar roads lead to her school, Target, and the library.) Her school here has a pick-up line, so we just drive up to the front of the school, and tell them who we're there for. It's such a small school that they pretty much know who goes with who, and it goes super fast.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Our "Snow" Week

So last week was like having a second Christmas break- no school ALL week! Monday was MLK Day, and then when we got two inches of snow on Tuesday, the schools were closed for the REST OF THE WEEK! By Wednesday evening, Luke and I just looked at each other like "what??" when we got the email that Noelle's school was closed. I will say, since snow happens so infrequently, they must only plow and salt the main roads (I didn't see a single plow), and no one shoveled their walkway or driveway. School cancellations meant no MOPS meeting, but the kids and I did escape to Target and to check out our new local library!

train table at the library
While out and about before the expected snow, we hung out at the Books A Million nearby, and then explored the super local zoo, aka Pet Smart. There was also a frozen yogurt place in the shopping center I planned on taking them to, but when we tried to go in, the door was locked. It's decorated with Valentine's Day decorations, so I don't think they're closed for the winter, but maybe they were just closed because of the snow?? So instead, we headed to Gigi's Cupcakes and ate some delicious tiny cupcakes!

On Thursday last week, I was able to visit with my sister-in-law, which was SO good and much needed. Luke is the only adult I've interacted with since we've moved (other than texting/social media/etc), and it was good to have a mama friend to hang out with for a little bit! Granted, Noelle and Jonah had reached a point of fighting with each other over almost everything, so I spent a lot of the time overseeing their arguments. #momlife

On Friday, we headed to our new mall! The kids were super excited to try out the play place, and I was happy when Noelle willingly wanted to explore the American Girl store. I loved my Kirsten doll as a kid, and while Noelle hasn't really gotten into dolls a whole lot (she has two dolls- not American Girl though), she did want to keep walking around the store looking at everything. Maybe she'll get more into it, and we can go to the cafe and have lunch with her doll someday.

And while we were going a little crazy with all the days off, it was a good reason to be able to go out exploring and finding our new "spots" around town.

On Sunday, we got ourselves together, and tried a nearby church for the first time. It's a HUGE church- five services, and the one we were at was packed. But it seems like they have a strong kids program, they're planning on planting a church a little bit further south, they have community groups, and the sermon was good. And on a random note, as we were picking up the kids afterwards to head home, I walked past a woman who looked familiar to me. I quickly figured out that she is someone I've followed on Instagram for a few years, and her family happened to also move down this way recently. Small world!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Clara Irene: 6 Months

How is our last little baby six months old!! (And quite closer to seven months at this point!) I know these baby months are flying by because of all the transition we've had going on. Plus, you know, when you're sleep deprived things can become quite blurred as well. :)

Clara's six month well check went smoothly, and she handled her shots well. She cried of course, but was easily comforted. I was glad to get one more appointment in with our MD pediatrician, and when I mentioned that we were moving, she got papers together for me of all three kids vaccines so that I would have them. In the midst of moving, I did manage to lose track of the papers, but I think they are floating around in the van somewhere. Maybe.

Height and Weight: Clara weighed in at 13 pounds 2 ounces (3rd percentile), and I cannot remember her length. She's growing right on track and just as she should!

Diapers/Clothing: Just last week, I moved her into size two diapers, mostly because we finished off a box and knew there was no point in opening an entirely new box. I do have a full box of size one diapers so I just need to find a mama friend with a teeny baby to pass them on to! Clara is mostly wearing size six month clothes, but when I pulled out a size three months outfit the other day, I decided to put it on her, and it fit just fine. I might as well get as much use as I can out of these clothes! And it was also one that Noelle wore, which I love seeing them out again. I'm starting to pack away the 3-6 month sleepers though, especially the ones that have been washed over and over again.

Sleep: Oh sleep for this child! She turned six months old on Christmas Eve, so she was still sleeping in bed with me at my parent's house at that point. Clara pretty consistently was waking up around 11, 2, and then 4:30. I'd nurse her, and she'd usually fall back asleep. Every now and then she'd decide to be awake for awhile and wiggle herself around. Luke and I joke that her arms have a mind of their own- flailing around and keeping her awake! And naps have been in the car or in my arms mostly.

Eating: She's still nursing, but it seems that in all the craziness, my supply is probably dipping even more. Each feed, we nurse for a few minutes, and then give her a two ounce bottle of formula. Every now and then when she's upset, she won't take a bottle and just nurses for comfort. I'm kind of amazed that we're still doing any sort of nursing, but I figure we'll keep it up for as long as we can, especially with all the sickness that is going around!

Social/Milestones: At six months, we were attempting to spend more time with her sitting, and she was getting better and stronger at tripod sitting. At this point, she's pretty much past using her arms to hold herself up and only falls over on occasion. She can definitely roll back to front (and pretty much does so immediately if she's doing any sort of tummy time), and right before her six month well check, I finally happened to see her roll from back to front. I think she's repeated that once since then, but at least she can do it! She just hates being on her tummy! She doesn't have any teeth yet, but there has been so much drool, so I keep thinking it's going to happen. She loves to hold toys and put them in her mouth. And she can even take her wubbanub and put the pacifier in her mouth. She also ate her first solids- carrots and beets! I was completely inconsistent in feeding her, but she at least tried them!

Likes: She still seems to like bath time a lot. She kicks her legs around in the bath tub splashing water everywhere, and even got to sit with the big kids and cousin Holden in the big bathtub at Nana's house. Clara definitely prefers to be held, but every now and then will be content sitting on the floor with baby toys. She loves watching her big brother and sister, especially when they're being crazy and moving around a lot. She also likes the vacuum. I can set her down and vacuum the whole downstairs and she usually doesn't get upset.

Dislikes: She gets pretty cranky on the days that she absolutely refuses to naps. So she hates naps, and being tired. Oh silly girl, naps are the best! She's usually most unhappy when she's not being held. 

Fun things: Clara got to see her first snow on the same day as our annual cookie-baking day. She celebrated her first Thanksgiving, sat on Santa's lap, wore lots of Christmas outfits, got lots of love from her siblings and Holden, picked out her first Christmas tree, and attended her sibling's Christmas programs. Overall, a very fun sixth month!

Love these little one!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Sick Days and a Snow Day

Our first week in TN included christening our new home with the stomach bug! It started with Jonah, got to me, and then poor Noelle threw up at the end of her school day on Wednesday. Clara possibly had it- she was fussier than usual and spitting up more, but other than that seemed fine. Thankfully Luke has not gotten it (and we're praying that continues!), and he was able to work from home on Wednesday so that I could get some rest. I am so thankful for a husband who has always stepped it up when me or the kids get sick!

how most of our sick days were spent- tv and sleeping

We've been pretty housebound, but after five consecutive hours of no puking yesterday and way too much tv, I told the kids we were getting in the car and driving up to visit daddy at work. There was no way we were getting out of the car because we must contain all the germs, but mama needed to leave the house! This was my first time attempting to drive anywhere other than to Noelle's school or the donut shop (priorities!), but thank goodness for GPS. We hopped on the highway and got to Luke's work in about 20 minutes. (In two years, we never once went to visit him at his job in DC- yet another advantage of this job!) We called him when we got there, and he came out with chocolate chip cookies for all of us. We looked a hot mess, but it was good to see him, see his office building, and drive around for a bit.

Yesterday it also happened to be close to 70*, which made me even more eager to escape the house. If children were well, I would have taken them to the play ground in our neighborhood or to a local park. The kids may have been in pajamas, and I might have had crazy eyes,but a drive in the car was good for all! 

We're also getting to experience our first TN snow day today! With the 70* weather yesterday we were also getting a winter weather advisory on our phones warning us of impending snow and ice. We got an email from Noelle's school by the end of the school day yesterday that based on the counties around where we live, her school was also calling a snow day.

I decided to brave the roads and take the kids out this morning for a quick drive to Target to pick up bread and some other necessities (like a Valentine's day garland). We walked in and the first thing Noelle said was "it's so quiet in here!" Luke went in to work, but planned on coming home around lunch time to get back before the roads got too bad. He said only about six of his co-workers were there, and most headed home when he did. We're getting busy with crafting, playing, pizza making, and tv watching, of course!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New School and Zoe

Noelle had a successful first day at her new school yesterday! I think I was more nervous than she was, and she hardly looked back at as when we left. It was sweet being able to go as a whole family to drop her off and see her desk. When I picked her up at the end of the day, she was so excited to show me what she made in art and the cards that her new friends had made her.

After we dropped her off in the morning, Luke headed to work and Jonah and I went in search of donuts. We found a local place, and the donut we got was delicious! Jonah is sick with something but he perked up enough for a donut!

We also started to sleep train Clara the second night we were here because I could not handle waking up 5 times a night anymore. She cried a bunch the first night, and then about 30 minutes the second night. But I only got up once each night to feed her. I really hope to get her only waking once and not crying at all. :)

Zoe is so happy to have us here!! She follows us around and has slept on our bed every night. Last night she laid on me while I read before bed and purred the whole time. She keeps scratching at the door to go out, but we want her to wait a little bit longer.

We have been abundantly blessed since we've been here, and I can tell that so many are praying for  us. I've received texts  and emails from friends and family from home (not sure when I'll  start calling TN home :)) just checking in. My friend and sister-in-law here have been making plans to get together with me. Ladies from my new MOPS group have been helpful, and on Sunday evening the sister-in-law of one of my close friends from MD brought us a delicious dinner. Yesterday Luke came home with a gift card for me from his work thanking me for putting up with all the craziness of moving and Luke being away. Hopefully soon I'll get to my half day at the spa (I truly won't know what to do with myself!) God is so good and showing up in all the little things!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Trip to Our New State

Our last morning in MD started with a pancake and bacon breakfast made by my mom with a fire going in the fireplace. My sister, Jason, and Holden came over around 7 to join in the fun, and I was super thankful to enjoy one last meal with my family.

The cousins played and ran circles around Nana's house. We (and by we, I mean Luke) did some last minute packing into the van, and then the good-byes began. I've done pretty well until Saturday morning, only crying on occasion. Having a pretty normal life routine up through Friday made me less likely to think about the big change actually happening.

But it was time. My dad teared up, I cried, my sister and my mom cried. And I know more tears will come over the next few months as I adjust to being away. Living the day to day life with my parents had its hard moments for sure, but overall, it was a great time. We were well taken care of (also spoiled- my dad took our van in to get the oil changed and filled up the gas tank), and I had so much help from my mom with the kids.

We put the kids in the van, gave my parents one last hug and hit the road just after 8 a.m. as planned. Luke squeezed my arm as I cried more tears, and then I got myself thinking about what was ahead. I looked online for fun things to do with the kids in TN, texted with my SIL down there, and asked Luke some fun marriage questions.

Clara fell asleep fairly quickly (after waking me up at least 5 times the night before), and the big kids played with some crayons, listened to the Moana soundtrack, and talked amongst themselves. We made a quick stop at the Starbucks in Mt. Airy and then didn't stop again until Clara started fussing and we saw a Chick Fil A ahead. We pulled over around 10:45 for an early lunch and a break from the car!

We hit the road again around 12 and right away the big kids were asking for their tablets. We told them they had to wait until 2:00 (which in Noelle's words was taking forever!) but they managed to get by listening to some adventures in Odyssey and a Paw Patrol book and some princess stories on CD. Clara fussed for a bit, but fell asleep again and we pushed through until another bathroom break was needed.

We found a Subway, grabbed dinner, and stretched our legs. From there the kids played on their tablets and Clara slept until we reached our NEW house around 8 p.m. (TN time.) We unloaded the kids and showed them their rooms. They were so hyped up from all the excitement that they didn't go to bed until almost 10.

Overall the kids did so well on the drive, and I just hope it gets easier for them on the many trips we'll make up to MD!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Our Last Day in MD!

Yesterday started with a two hour delay for Noelle thanks to some single digit coldness. It made for a leisurely start for her last day at her school in MD. It's been Spirit week/homecoming and today was school colors day. Since she's on the cheer team and was performing at the pep rally and game, she wore her cheer uniform. She just got her bow at practice on Wednesday, which she is very excited about wearing!

Her teacher threw her a going away princess tea party complete with princess dresses, bow ties, and fancy tea cups and tea sandwiches. Parents made the sandwiches, shared their tea kettles, and brought in princess dresses. I was planning on going but we ended up needing to go sign papers for our MD house at the last minute. Her teacher told me the kids all loved it and were all very proper. She said many pictures were taken so hopefully I see some soon!

We are supposed to close on our MD house on the 12th and yesterday we signed all the papers so that we wouldn't have to find a notary down in TN. We had Jonah and Clara with us, but thankfully our realtor cuddled with Clara and Jonah played on the tablet and ate chocolate. As long as nothing else changes, we shouldn't have to do anything else for that house!

We packed up a few things, and then I went to pick up Noelle from school. And then we were home for 40 minutes before heading out for her school's homecoming game! All the grandparents came and we watched her cheer during half time. I loved watching her do something that she enjoys and being a part of a team. After half time, the coach talked to them and told everyone that Noelle was moving away. All the girls rushed in to give her a giant group hug, and it was so sweet!

We ate a quick dinner, packed up as much as we could, and headed to bed for one last sleep in MD. Hopefully everyone is well rested enough to make today's drive as pleasant as possible!