Friday, March 30, 2018


I feel like we are in a season of blooming. God has been at work in our lives in what feels like both big and small ways. We're in a new state, a new town, finding new spots to call our own.

a beautiful view of some blossoms with the gas station in the background from my run this morning ;)

Our kids are growing every day. Learning new things, growing out of clothes, becoming their own little people. Asking questions about God, and stating truths about Jesus that I didn't even know were stored away in their hearts.

Luke is in a new job, a different position that is giving him an updated skill-set. Building relationships with co-workers.

I'm in a season of making friends. God is giving me a sense of bravery as I go to a house full of women I've maybe met once. Or going to hang out with a group of moms who already know each other at least a little bit.

God is beginning to provide a sense of community. As an introvert, it's hard to put myself out there, but God is giving me a desire to be with people. To meet with other moms. To come alongside them and pray for them.

And He's giving me a desire to be in His Word. Every time I have a baby, I go for the first nine months or so of their little lives never sitting through a complete sermon. I'm either nursing or pacing around with my littlest love in my arms. I know it's a season, and as we begin to get to a point where Clara should probably be put in the nursery, God is giving me more of a passion for the Bible. I want to be in it. The more I read it, the more I see of God, and the more I want to keep coming back to it.

I'm thankful for this season that we're in. It's growing us and stretching us. It's not necessarily easy, but it's more fun than some of the other seasons we've been through. It's learning to lean into God in a different way. There are others around me walking through valleys and climbing what seem to be impossible mountains. As I navigate this season of blooming, I want to be aware and come alongside those who are in a harder season and love on them through the love of Christ. And I'm praying that God continues to keep us blooming!

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