Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Happy 5th Birthday, Jonah!

Today you are FIVE. A whole hand. You've been looking forward to this for so long, and now it's here. You're a little brother and a big brother, and the perfect one to be right in between.

Your current obsessions are Mario Brothers, soda or lemonade, Mario Brothers, magnatiles, candy, and wait for it, Mario Brothers. You're already better at playing video games than I ever will be, and I know Daddy is loving that he can play with you!

Whenever we listen to the Christian radio station in the car, you ask what certain lyrics mean. I so hope and pray that you continue to ask questions- both related to Jesus and life in general! Your mind is always going, and I know come August when you start kindergarten, you will love it!

Your main buddies are Jack, Calvin, Evelyn, Macie, Cal, and of course your sisters. You and Noelle do almost everything together when you're both at home, and I so hope your friendship continues! When it's just you and Clara at home, you're either mad at her for breaking up your magnatile creation, or busy making her laugh.

I love that when you come say goodnight to me after Daddy reads to you from your Mario book, you kiss me on the nose and giggle. I know someday that won't happen anymore, so I'll soak it up while I can.

I love you so much, and I'm so thankful you're my son! I'm praying that you will truly know Jesus. That all the things you've learned at home, church, and school will not just be head knowledge, but will soak into your heart. Let Jesus be it for you.


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