Thursday, May 24, 2018

Clara Irene: 11 Months

e.l.e.v.e.n. MONTHS! What and how? May 24th marks ONE month till my baby is a year old, and my oldest graduates from Kindergarten today! How is this possible??

(also, I attempted twice to take her monthly pictures and she was NOT having it either time!)

We're at a weird stage where I LOVE how she interacts with us and hearing her giggles and the fact that she sleeps through the night (mostly!) But she also seems to need a nap early on in the day unless we're out doing things, and even then, sometimes she ends up being the one calling the shots because she's just fussy and I know she wants to nap, but just won't if she's not in her carseat or crib. Oh life with a baby.

Height and Weight: Sitting her on the scale at home, she is 16.6 pounds. And no idea on length, but this is my reminder that I should schedule her one year well-check!

Diapers and Clothing: She's steadily hanging out in size 2 diapers, though we may need to start going with a bigger size for night time. I did have to buy a box of size 2 diapers, which I think is the first box of diapers I've had to purchase for her since people were so generous and gave us so many diapers at her baby shower! Clara fits best in to 6-9 month clothes, but can also rock a 6 month onsie no problem. I need to go through her dresser and pull out all the size 6 month clothes that are for colder weather because those will not be used any longer. :(

Sleep: Overall her sleep at night is great! She woke up the other night and fussed for a bit until Luke went in and sat with her while she drank a bottle. I'm pretty sure she's teething and that's why, but after Jonah keeping us awake two nights before it feels rough when little people are disrupting your sleep. Naps are kind of all over, and with all our family coming in over the next few weeks, there's not much chance of getting into a summer routine yet. But hopefully eventually I can get her a somewhat consistent nap!

Eating: This girl loves food, and will easily down a pouch of veggies/fruit. She loves eating cheerios, sometimes raisins, crackers, blueberries, grapes, and she'll often eat bits of whatever I'm eating. She takes 4-5 bottles of 4-5 ounces of formula and it's so nice that she can hold it to feed herself now. I can finish getting ready in the morning, or tidy up while she's drinking. Or since we're on the go so much she'll drink a bottle in the car. She does get tummy troubles pretty easily, so I try to make sure she's getting a lot of fiber and liquids, and have been giving her a bottle with pear juice and water to help things.

Social/Milestones: Her big thing this month has been pulling herself up. She's not consistent, but she's done it a few times, including the Target shopping cart twice. She also rolls around all the time, and scoots like a pro. She recently started waving to people, and still loves to clap when we say "yay!" She loves the water, and went in the pool for the first time. We have a little float she can sit in, and she LOVED it! Still only has her two bottom teeth, but I think her top ones must be coming soon! We left her in church nursery last week, and she survived and wasn't even crying when I picked her up, just needed to be held for the last little bit by a nursery helper. She says "mamamama", sometimes "ba", "ah", and probably a few other sounds when she's getting fussy.

Likes: She is definitely a water baby at this point! She goes from fussy to happy when we put her in the bath, and she wildly kicked her legs with delight the first time I put her in the float in the pool. Jonah and Noelle can usually make her laugh, and she thinks it's hysterical when she "chases" them around the house (aka Luke or I holding her and running over them.)

Dislikes: She doesn't like being tired or having teeth come in, but who would really?

Fun things: It was a fun month with lots of end of the school year happenings and mom events with our church. She came to the second part of Noelle's field trip for lunch at the playground, a little fair at the nearby assisted living place for their grand opening, a church picnic at a farm, playing in our baby pool and the neighborhood pool, library events, Friday morning Bible study, the Franklin Rodeo parade, her first mother's day outside of the womb, the zoo, and more!

Pictures from the month:

We love our Clara Irene!

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