Sunday, June 22, 2014

Six Years!

Yesterday Luke and I celebrated six years of marriage. (WHAT??)  And what a great six years they have been!  Certainly not always easy, but so worth it.  God certainly knew I needed someone who would balance out my craziness.  Luke is always the voice of reason when I start freaking out, and is always quick to point me to God when I start to go down the road of "what if".  I'm so thankful for him!

He had a bachelor party going on in the afternoon and evening for a friend who is getting married in July, so I suggested we get his favorite sushi and just eat in with the littles.

What that actually looked like:

Each of us holding a crying child.

Luke: "This is our life now."

And as crazy as it gets sometimes, we both talked about our kids being one of our favorite things that has come out of our six years of being married.  Love them!

clearly Noelle wanted to be a part of this family picture!

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